Dragonhollow Wiki

"So you're giving us extra consequences because of your own faults? Smart."
Chrismas8899, after hearing HyperSilence's verdict

The Tricky Trio were a group of lovable scamps that brought their traveling roadshow of silly shenanigans to Pandora during Dragonhollow's Fifth Era.

Though their antics were initially entertaining, residents eventually grew bored with their witchcraft and HyperSilence banished them to Tartaros, where their flesh burned for eternity in the service of Grim.


"That's why as an added bonus I emptied out all of your inventories, unclaimed all your land, and put all your loot in chests for other people to take right away since it took me so long to finally catch you guys."

On 5E:118, three licentious ladies—said by some to be sisters—arrived in Blackbourne.

As members of the Dragon Hunters clan, they initially lived in Hunter's Home.

Rumors quickly spread suggesting that they were witches, thieves, and cannibals. However, they seemed largely unfazed by these accusations.

Gabault witnessed Jennyjewelsteals flying under her own power, an illicit deed long prohibited by decree from Eris herself. On 5E:163, Jrod also spotted her in flight and filed a report with HyperSilence, who quietly began to monitor the activities of the Tricky Trio.

Eventually they settled in Sprankleton, much to the chagrin of its founder and mayor, Sprankles. The threesome took over Bjay's former residence, most recently having been occupied by OuttaTime. They were joined by a fourth lass, Wolfclaw777.

Jrod killed the sisters several times and noted strangely that Jenny wore elytra wings, despite having no gear with which to survive The End.

At some point, they destroyed the Sprankleton Subway line connecting Hunter's Home and Sprankleton to other local points of interest in Pandora.

On 5E:186, HyperSilence completed his investigation after collecting inarguable proof that they had dabbled in unlawful black magic. He dumped everything from their pockets, dropped the claim deeds to their lands, and stashed their ill-gotten gains in public chests for all to enjoy.

The trio refused to repent for their crimes and freely admitted what they had done, insulting Hyper's inaction and issuing threats of revenge. In response, he obliterated their mortal bodies and sent their screaming souls to Tartaros.

It was said that they perform as silly jesters in the carrion court of Grim, doing in death what they did in life.


Despite its name, the trio actually had four members, because omg so quirky and math is hard.

Chrismasface Chrismas8899 (leader)
Jennyjewelface Jennyjewelsteals
Starsparkleface Starsparkle66
Wolfclawface Wolfclaw777

Behind the Scenes[]

The following is out-of-universe information about the real world Dragonhollow.

The group was banned for hacking. Even though they knew they'd been detected and reported, they continued to use the hacks until caught by HyperSilence.

Jrod's report and ban thread

Promises of revenge
